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Re: here's your change and daily driver insurance

Subject: Re: here's your change and daily driver insurance
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 08:04:20 -0500
At 02:41 AM 12/15/01 -0500, Stephan wrote:

>Oh yea, the Bricklin, I went through AAA and Progressive insurance.  It is a
>standard full coverage policy (comp, collision, theft, etc.), no mileage
>limitations, a standard deductible, though I believe you must also have
>another car registered to you and insured by anyone.  I've got too many and
>I honestly can't remember.  I can tell you it costs about the same to insure
>as a 2000 BMW Roadster, which is not cheap (Florida is not known for cheap
>insurance rates).  Progressive required an inspection of the vehicle, along
>with a written appraisal.  The appraisals can be performed by either TT or
>Bob H..  Upon inspection, they were amazed at the condition of the vehicle
>and had no problem writing the policy.


   I have most of my car insurance with USAA.  I called them last night.
They won't write an "aggreed" or "stated value" policy.  Then I called 
Progressive.  Immediately they said they only write "actual cash value"
policies and tried to pass me off to JC Taylor, Haggerty's, Condon-Skelly,
Classic Insurance, etc.

These companies wite "agreed" value policies, but there are limititations
to the policy.  The biggest being the milage limitations, and only occassional

I'm hoping to make my Bricklin my daily driver when it's finished.  But I 
don't want an "actual cash value" policy.   Plus, I can't get a definative
statement from either my home owners or my car insurance as to the amount
of coverage there is on the car currently as it is under restoration.
According to my home owners policy, the parts that are NOT on the car are
covered.  The car insurance says it's an actual cash value policy, and a
75 car isn't worth much to start with.  And since it isn't driveable, it's
worth less.  With $13K and raising in the car, I'd sure like to get my money
back if something happened to my house.


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229

48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget  65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
     75 Bricklin SV1   77 Spitfire     71 Saab Sonett III
        65 Rambler Classic


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