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re: fiberglass panels and air doors

Subject: re: fiberglass panels and air doors
From: annie burgess <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 10:31:12 -0800
i have all new fiberglass panels with the exception of the
quarterpanels, hatch and one door.  they came with the car so i don't
know who made them.  my dad (an old body man as well as an old man) and
i offered them up and i can tell you that mine will not just fall into
place and be ready for a paint job.  it is going to take a lot of
fitting and prep before they are alligned and the body is "fair".  there
is, for example, a strip across the front of the hood which looks like
overlapped layers of glass or maybe misallignment of the mold if it was
not one piece.  it will take quite a while to fair the hood alone.  my
dad will be out in the spring to help put the body together and i will
report on the experience then.  till now, i've only done a little
mechanical.  i have a few copies of tech tips so i know that there is
some info out there for anyone interested in putting on a new body.

at the risk of sounding stupid,  the person whose doors only click might
want to make sure that the doors are, in fact, air operated.  they might
still be original.

bob  #319

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