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Bricklin - Body panels. aaaah coconuts!

Subject: Bricklin - Body panels. aaaah coconuts!
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 12:27:29 -0500
Thanks all for the info concerning my question on repairing the original
body panels.
In light of some of the responses I received (and the all of other ongoing
projects I've got) I thought I'd hold off on messing around with them for

I've heard and read that there are all fiberglass panels available for the
Has anyone had any experience with them?
If one where to buy one panel would it fit flush with respect to the
acrylic covered panels or would you have to replace the entire car?
Who makes them?
If there are more than one manufacturer are their panels interchangeable
with respect to one another?


"Good luck repairing the panels without paint. If your panels are riddled
with cracks they are unrepairable period....."
Good luck, Rick 0539/2028/2884

"My car had similar problems but I took the opposite approach to repair as
there were simply too many cracks to deal with....."
George Schiro

"Basically, you're screwed. The acrylic panels are non-repairable in the
sense of fixing them to keep the acrylic showing.... "

"Hats off to you for thinking acrylic and possibly to go back to

"...Unfortunatly  I think your only option to do is paint the car.  the
panels are to some extent available  but to a high price for total
restoration "
ron meyers 491

"I repaired  hundreds of cracks with Bondo back in  1986.  That's what I
was told would adhere well to both the fiberglass and the acrylic.  It
seems to.  However, after all these years, in the right light, at the
right angle, you can see them.  Some have re-cracked also...."
Amo  (#1207)

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