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Re: AMC technical book?

Subject: Re: AMC technical book?
From: "Steve Owens" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 03:42:34 +0000
This guy can sell you it:

If you locate an AMC 72-76 manual in a library or with a friend, I would 
imagine a great deal of similarity, but I was just browsing this guy's 
catalog so I know he offers 1974--it could well be the best 'factory' 
documentation avail for a 74 Bricklin.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Early, Stephen" <>
Reply-To: "Early, Stephen" <>
To: "'bricklin'" <>
Subject: AMC technical book?
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 09:43:03 -0500

Does anyone know where I might obtain a repair book for the '74 AMC
powertrain?  I'd like to have something for reference in addition to the
Bricklin service manual.  I called Chilton and they have one for '75 but
nothing earlier.  I don't know if the '75 powertrain was the same as the
'74.  I've also tried a couple web searches and did find this:
AMC Service-Repair Handbook : Pacer, Gremlin, Hornet, 1971-1977

but it is not available.  Amazon can try to find a used one for me.  Does
anyone have suggestions?

Stephen I. Early
Portfolio Conversions
Hallmark Information Services
MBNA America
800.441.7048 x74788


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