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FW: Bricklin

To: "Bricklin Mailing List \(Bricklin Mailing List\)"
Subject: FW: Bricklin
From: "Michael V. Mitchell" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 05:42:21 -0400
Got a call from a guy in the Greater Cleveland area with a '74 (a Mr.
Wicher?) - he is not sure what the VIN # is but I should have more
information on the car this weekend. White but in poor shape (seats
shot, stress cracks in hood, does not appear to run, still has
hydraulics, 48,000 miles). Garaged for last 8 years, owned for 20 (12+
yrs outside?). Sounds like he's just ready to get rid of it ...

If anyone is interested please contact me - I'll ask the questions you'd
like me to ask or give you his pager number. (He apparently works for
NASA as a teacher and travels a lot.) Owner does not currently know what
car is worth and has asked for help assessing it and selling it.

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