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The story of Vin#1136

To: <>
Subject: The story of Vin#1136
From: "CBL302" <>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 22:00:36 -0400
      Date:  Sat May 27, 2001  9:55 pm
      Subject:  The story of Vin#1136

When I first laid eyes on Vin#1136,there she was,parked behind
someone's three family house,that I could see from the Highway,on my
way to work,I kept seeing it there everytime I drove by,so one
day,I decided to stop in and take a look at this Bricklin,as I had
never seen a real Bricklin in person before,So I pulled in the
backyard,and there see stood,as Beautiful a Bricklin,as you could
imagine,she only had appox.600 miles on the OD.And as this being the
middle of the year in 1975,There was NOTHING on the road that looked
as futuristic as A Bricklin,as I was looking over the car,all of a
sudden I heard from the third floor apartment,"Hey get away from my
car" he comes running down the stairs towards me,and after I
explained to him that I was not there to steal it,or do anything
bad,but that sometime in the future I wanted to buy a Bricklin,he
became friendly,and let me take a good look at his Bricklin,Remember
this is about JUNE or JULY of 1975,She was a beauty to behold,a
beautiful safety Green in color,and the most beautiful interior you
could behold,with that new car smell,he started it up and it purred
like a kitten,but had the rumble of a tiger,I was forever Enticed
with one day owning a Bricklin, as I told him that in the future if
he wanted to sell it to give me a call,BUT he said that most likely
he was planning on keeping it as his daily car,and keeping it for a
Long time,So in the meantime I went out and bought other cars,but I
kept in touch with him,and about two or three times a year,I would
bump into him, either at a coffee shop,or other places,and I would
look over Vin #1136,then cut to the year,1980,that is when I came across a ad
for a 1975 Bricklin for sale,so I went to take a look at it,SHE was a
Work of art,she was Vin# 1024 Red and Beautiful,it was love at first
sight,I had to have her,so I bought Vin# 1024,and showed her to the
owner of Vin# 1136,needless to say he liked my Bricklin,and I kept in
touch with the owner of vin#1136 more often,cut to the year,1992,the owner of
vin#1136 gives me a call and says he is retiring and is planning to
retire to Florida(this is Connecticut)and he tells me that he needs
to dispose of Vin#1136,so I drove down where he is living,and he
shows me Vin#1136,there she is,parked in a corner outside,looking real
ragged,EVERY panel on the car was either cracked,or had spider web
style cracks,Most of the panels were coming apart at the seams,the
door skins were barely hanging on the door,the green color looked
more like the color of moss,the interior was all worn,and torn,and
the doors leaked and did not work,the carpets had some kind of plant
life growing in it,because of the water leaks,he had about a years
supply of newspapers in the hatch area to absorb the water that
leaked into the car,the Frame was in BAD shape,She had seen her
better days,but rather than see her junked or used for parts,I bought
vin#1136,Little did I know,back in the summer of 1975,as I was
looking over vin.1136 that 17 years later,in 1992 she would become mine,Cut to
the year 2001,here
she sits,she again purrs like a kitten,her frame has been all
repaired,interior redone,Body panels all repaired,she is looking in
really nice shape,to maybe, be passed on to somebody else in the
future to enjoy,and keep the spirit of the Bricklin saga alive.


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