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The infamous window problem again

Subject: The infamous window problem again
From: "Seth" <>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 20:31:57 -0400
Thanks to Rick and John for their advice on the window coming unglued. I 
got the courage up to pull the trim off and see what was there. Turns out 
beat me to it, there is a channel fixed to the regulator channel and it looks 
like the 
window is J-B welded onto this extra channel; and it's still holding. The 
problem ended
up being that the rear arm of the regulator popped out of the channel. The 
channel is not
damaged. I unbolted the regulator and popped the roller back in the channel and 
put it
back together. It rolled up fine, but when I rolled it all the way down again, 
it popped out.
The short term solution is obviously don't roll the window all the way down, 
but does
anyone know why this is happening?



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