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Re: Painting Preparation

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Subject: Re: Painting Preparation
From: "High Tech Coatings" <htc@MNSi.Net>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 04:53:55 -0500
> 1. What grade sandpaper should I use? (600, 1200?)

This depends on where you are in regards to finishing. The very FIRST thing
you MUST do is wash all the fiberglass with a good wax and gease remover
(follow directions on can). This must be done to remove all traces of mold
release agents, failure to do this will case you problems in the future, If
you dont do it before you start sanding you will force the release agents
into the fiberglass and it will cause paint failure down the road. The grade
of sanpaper depens on the kind of paint you are going to use, and the kind
of primers involved(check with your paint supplier). If you are going to use
a Urethane paint(recommended) do not use laquer based primers. Urethane
primers should be used as they do not shrink with age like laquer based
primers. Do buy cheap primer! buy the best! you build a good house on a
crappy foundation. SInce you have basically re-bodied the car you have a bit
of coin tied up, soif you are inexperienced as a body prep person Iwould
recommend you pay someone who knows what he/she is doing to prep and paint
the car. This doesn't mean take it to a shop, you may be be able to find a
Moonlighter to work at your place and help you out.

> 2. How should I fix/fill the cracks and the pin holes left over in the

If you have cracks in the filler you have problems underneath it that have
to be resolved before you paint! for pin holes, clean them thouroughly, then
fill with a 2 part spot putty. DO NOT USE SINGLE PART PUTTIES!!! These
shrink (evaporate) once the car sees sun so you may as well not put any on
in the first place. They make things look good enough for the customer until
The check clears.  Again do not buy cheap materials buy them at a
professional body shop supply house and ask them for good stuff.
 Pinholes are caused by 1 of 2 things, first cheap materials that will fail
down the road, More pinholes will pop once the paint dries, Or improper
installation of the filler which will also cause problems down the road.
> 3. Any other tips.
Hope I haven't bust your bubble, I am just trying to save you frustation and
money in the longrun. If you do not have experience prepping or painting
...HIRE a pro.
> Marvin

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