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horn question

Subject: horn question
From: "dmcturbo turbo" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 19:53:24 -0500
OK I now have a good understanding of the horn circuit on a Bricklin and 
have located where the problem is but need some help.

The black horn wire from the center of the steering wheel (under the horn 
button) has a brake or open in it between where it is soldered to the 
steering column and where it comes out at the bottom of the steering column.
Note: the horn wire in the connector at the base of the steering column is 
the solid black wire about the 3rd from the end, the other black wires in 
that connector have a stripe to differentiate them. The black wire then goes 
through the firewall to the horn relay and when it is grounded trips the 
relay and applies 12vdc to the horns via the dark green wire.

Here is my question, how do I gain access to the steering column.
I can take the steering wheel off and the nut behind the wheel off (not me 
the other nut behind the wheel that is) with no problem but how do you 
disassemble the steering column or gain access to the wiring in the steering 

Is the horn wire on some type of slip ring and is this a common problem with 

Mike D.
NY Vin 1557


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