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Re: Emergency brake ?

Subject: Re: Emergency brake ?
From: "K M" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 22:53:32
>Has anyone taken the plastic handle off their emergency brake handle?
>If so how?  Does is screw off?  I've tried to screw it off to no avail.
>This is a new EB handle, and I don't want to break the plastic handle,
>so I haven't put a pair of pliers to it.  But if I don't get the plastic
>handle off, I don't know how I'll get my console over it.
>I've rehabed a used console that was pretty much intack, but broken in
>several places.  So I've fiberglassed over it and it is NOT as plyable
>as it used to be.

Been there, done that.  It just pulls off, as I remember.  Maybe use some 
silicone in there to help it slide -- then yank, yank, yank.  Don't use any 
oil, penetrating or otherwise. Kim

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