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Re: American v ???

To: <>
Subject: Re: American v ???
From: "alphachi" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 19:00:59 -0500
From: "David Peabody"

> I said the wheels were a danger to drive at high speeds because first, I
> one put on a balancing machine and the barrel of the wheel is severely out
> of center,

Imagine that.  The OEM wheels are bolt centric, not hub centric.  Most cheap
aftermarkets, like American, are also boltcentric so one wheel can fit a lot
of different vehicles.   All bolt centric wheels are not recommended for
extended driving.  Why?  If you've ever mounted one, you'd figure that out
real fast.

> Secondly, in the words of Terry Tanner "The wheels are not concentric and
> probably made out of recycled beer cans".

The likelyhood that beer cans (and other substance paraphenalia ) were
involved in the design and manufacture of the Bricklin is a good one.   As
for the wheels, I believe the guy making them was also an alcoholic.
> I don't know about you guys/girls, but I'm not going to risk crashing my
> on a questionable wheels.

Not sure American is "unquestionable".   But it's probably a safe bet they
are somewhat truer than the worst OEMs.  Put a mag mounted dial micrometer
to a rotating one and watch the needle spin!  A good wheel should be within
6-10 thousands of an inch.  And just make sure when they balance them they
use a bolt plate, and NOT the hub spindle.  You'd just be wasting your time.
Better yet, get them balanced ON the vehicle.

There is an outfit in PA that promises they can true the B wheel for about
the cost of a cheap aftermarket. (Not the same guy TT used).  I have no idea
how good that promise is.

As for Michelin XGTs, these are of ancient design and suck on traction,  nor
are H rated tires that great.  VR are best for turnpike driving, but the
sidewall is much stiffer.  This makes it tougher to make a comfortable tire.
Some Continentals have done this.   Also check out the temp, load, and wear
ratings.   Whatever the wheel and tire combo, make sure they align the
markings on each set properly (those little dots).

stephan #2821(who is ready to go postal over headers "that bolt in"  and
dimwitted, hamfisted, daily toking Floridian mechanics).

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