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Re: heater valve

Subject: Re: heater valve
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 22:17:31 -0500
Bob sent this to me and asked me to forward to the group.



>From: "Robert Miller" <>
>To: "John T. Blair" <>
>Subject: Re: heater valve
>Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 22:48:08 -0600
>my core..or hose connection just went out last week and started pouring
>antifreeze into my passenger footwell...for a fix i bypassed it...the hose
>coming out of the water pump is the "in" line to the heater core inside the
>car and the other hose from the dash to  the intake manifold is the out...i
>put the water pump hose directly to the intake for now untill I have time to
>work out the problem..I had no heat before any way so I figured the heater
>core was out or rusty/clogged......lemme know how things turn out as I'll
>have to do this repair by nest fall...
>Bob at

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