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Share the pain!

Subject: Share the pain!
From: Jeffrey Wynn <>
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 15:50:12 -0500
Happy New Year to all:
   I would like to thank everyone who posts for all the help.
I am working hard on the brick, it all started with the article by KM on
the quarter windows.  After reading it, I checked mine and both windows
popped off with no
effort at all.  After following his instructions on the fix, I decided I
might as well install
new insulation since the whole back end was accessible.  This evolved
into installing the air latch system, electric compressor to replace the
vaccuum pump, AC  vent mod,
aux. blower install, new center console and recored radiator.  I am
currently sitting at the keyboard with bloody knuckles and I feel like
Houdini after a strait jacket escape , from
contorting myself to remove instrument panel ( thanks John for your
article on removal).
Just wanted to share the pain but now I will take a break to watch the
Eagles game.
Go Birds!  Thanks again to all. Hope to be done with all these by April.

                                                    Jeff Wynn   VIN 2157

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