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FW: Questions & other stuff

To: "Bricklin Mailing List \(E-mail\)" <>
Subject: FW: Questions & other stuff
From: "Michael V. Mitchell" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 05:27:20 -0500
Thought I'd pass this on ... anyone in the area?

-----Original Message-----
From: Henry J Rybaczewski []
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 2:55 PM
Subject: Questions & other stuff

Hi!  My name is Hank Rybaczewski (rib-a-chess-key).  I live in Toledo,
Ohio.  I am 42 years old and have been interested in the Bricklin since
it came out.  I have driven three of them, but it was back in 1976 when I
first started driving.  I knew nothing about the vehicle back then, other
than I thought it was cool.  These days, I've been thinking about REALLY
owning a Bricklin - preferably a Lime Green one - and I need to dialogue
with someone about a lot of things.  The most important item is that I'd
like to see one and drive and/or ride in one before I go any further. 
You see, I am now 6' 4", and weigh in at 280 lbs.  I recall there not
being too much room inside the car, especially in the head room
department.  I'm willing to live with that, though, but another problem
has happened since my younger days.  I was involved in a rear-end
collision in 1988 and have had 14 operations on my back because of it. 
Although I still love to drive, getting in and out of a car and riding in
a car that has too stiff of a suspension would probably send me into a
pain cycle.  My back is a lot better now, and I don't think I'd have any
trouble these days, but, I'd still like to drive and/or ride in a
Bricklin.  As far as purchasing a car, anytime now is the time, but I'm
not gonna rush.  This is another reason I'd like to speak with someone. 
I need to know what to look for, which was the better engine, which was
the better transmission, are the converted air doors an ok thing or
You see, there is lots to talk about.
Is there someone in my area that could take me for a ride?  I'd be very
grateful for the offer.  Also, maybe that person could tell me about the
car from his or her own experiences.  

I also knew of a guy here in Toledo that supposedly has over 20 new
Bricklin's sitting in storage.  I know for sure that he has two because
the local dealer told me he bought them.  My wife used to work for an
insurance agency and they had his insurance - this is how I know of the
cars, but she can't remember his name.  She thinks the first name is
Larry, but she's not sure.  Maybe you already know of him.  There is also
a guy who owns a car wash in Toledo who has an orange Bricklin parked in
his shop.  He's never there when I go there, so I can't tell you about
the car.

I know that all of this could be tiresome for you to be reading, and I
don't want to be of too much trouble for anyone, but I would really
appreciate a reply from you on these issues.  I am very car illiterate,
so don't go too heavy on stuff.  I'm a musician - ask me anything about
music and I'll do well, but anything else, well.....

I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.  Our son, who is a Freshman
in High School this year can't wait to drive, and he'd like to own one
too.  Then, there's our daughter who is in the 3rd grade - she just loves
the doors and wants everyone at her school to see he dropped off so she
can show off the doors.

Thank you very much.

Hank Rybaczewski
4146 Douglas
Toledo, Ohio  43613
(419) 474-0143

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