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The MSD/ALT saga continues: Rick and others

To: <>
Subject: The MSD/ALT saga continues: Rick and others
From: "alphachi" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 18:27:21 -0500
According to MSD, the combination of the Pro-Billet distributor, MSD-6A on
Ford not only requires a tach adapter, but also a Chrysler dual ballast
resistor, circa 73-76, be placed in the circuit.  Well, now ain't that
somethin'.   I'll try this after I ring out the circuit for shorts and opens
as per Rick's instructions and clean up the wiring while I'm at it since it
ain't very pretty under the 30 yards of black tape (can you say bird's
nest?).     I'll install the diode and condenser just for good luck.
Although MSD uses a diode as an alternative to the ballast on certain
vehicles, they have the diode in the "I" circuit coming of the regulator,
which, as we know for sure is not used..... probably. . .

stephan #2821

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