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Re: AIR DOORS - finally a leak!

Subject: Re: AIR DOORS - finally a leak!
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 22:53:53 EDT
Be sure to check your compressor for leaks. Either the vacuum or electric 
compressors can leak out their intake port.

An excellent way I have found to locate very small, slow leaks is to inject a 
little freon into the tank and test with a freon leak detector. That will 
pick up very small leaks a couple of feet from the source and then beeps more 
as you get closer to the leak. It has allowed me to locate leaks that I just 
couldn't find with soap and water.

Scott Isensee

In a message dated 10/17/2000 3:33:02 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<<  Yup.  My doors are seriously leaking now, and the leak is not easily
 found with the old soap and water trick.  Is it such a bad idea to just
 replace all the air hoses and connection fittings?  It seams like that
 wouldn't be very hard, and it would probably solve the problem.  I know you
 have all encountered this situation before - so I am open to advice.  If I
 do that, where would I get that hose stuff?  ACE Hardware?   >>

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