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Re: Big XXV meet pictures & Western Region/California Bricklin Events

To: "Mailing List, Bricklin" <>
Subject: Re: Big XXV meet pictures & Western Region/California Bricklin Events
From: "Michael V. Mitchell" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 05:17:09 -0400
Hi All!

    I'd just like to add a few cents to this thread...

    Much of the success of the ANY meet is due to the efforts of the BI
members - and more specifically - the members in that area. I do not wish to
diminish the efforts of others and certainly recognize the individuals that
have made sacrifices to participate or driven great distances to attend, but
would rather like to compliment and recognize the efforts of the Regional
Clubs and individual efforts of those in the Michigan area. Since becoming
more involved in the club, I have found that BOOM (Bricklin Owners Of
Michigan) has been a major contributor in my area. They are also a major
contributor to Bricklin International. Take a look at the BI Board of
Directors - many are concentrated in or around Michigan. BOOM has a strong,
active club going and makes an effort to attend every meet that they can.
The individuals that comprise the club invest a large amount of time and
effort to make both BOOM and BI a success. Certainly, BIG XXV was a great
success! Getting over 30 Bricklin together in one place is a major feat. My
sincere and personal thanks to all that were involved in the recent National
Meet - what a great event!

    BI has our major vendors and other contributors, too - certainly Terry
Tanner and Bob Hoffman are names recognized by all on our side of the
country and have made major contributions to BI in both time as well as
money and donations. I would also like to recognize the members of BI who
have been there 'all along'. Those of you who had the pleasure of meeting
Jerry Putnam, Roy Knowles, Rich Haines or John Cherba - to name just a few -
will know what I mean. I also understand that Scott Hannish made a
substantial contribution in returning BI to an ongoing, financially stable
entity and without him we may not have had a functioning club at all. (I
know I've missed some names - please don't feel left out!)

    My point is that the success of any club such as our own rests on the
efforts and participation of - ultimately - YOU! We, as members, cannot just
pay our membership fee and then rely on the Directors of BI or of the
Regional Clubs to do all the work. I believe this is the 'apathy' that Kevin
refers to. It us up to us - as individuals - to make a contribution of time
and find the cars. We need to encourage other owners to participate - as
well as participate on a regular basis ourselves. It is due to the
cumulative efforts of individuals - great or small - that we succeed!

    I challenge each of you to attend both one regional and one national BI
event in the next year - if no regional club is in existence in your area -
form one! I challenge each of you to attend multiple non-BI local shows and
follow-up on any Bricklin Owner / car leads that may result (that's how
George Malaska & I met - at a local cruise-in!). I challenge each of you to
find one car or owner this year who is not a member of BI and get them
involved. (We all hear - "Oh, I know someone who has one of those behind his
barn." - follow-up and FIND IT!!) I also challenge you meet with owners in
your area as a group at least twice a year. It's not that difficult and it's
a heck of a lot of fun! I firmly believe that we can easily increase
attendance at our National meets if each of us invests a little time and

    I'm attempting to do my part - I recognize that my contribution is
important, however small it may be. I hope that you will recognize that your
contribution is of great value too. It really doesn't take a whole lot of
time - and it is a labor of love! At this time, I would again ask that those
in the Ohio area who I am not presently in contact with please drop me a
line. If you know of a Bricklin in the area or of a non-BI owner - let me
know! I am attempting to get MBO active again - my core people are beginning
to form up. Our hope is to have the Kenton Pig Roast active again (although
at another location) next year and to host a National in the Ohio area again
(2 yrs?). I will need YOUR assistance!! Time will tell!


P.S. - Thanks for the compliment on the webpage. The Orange car's bumper is
actually black ... it is just missing the paint on the upper side. I still
have some banquet pictures to post ... keep an eye out for them. I was
planning to do that this morning, but would up writing my thought instead.
<grin> I am also seeking assistance on identifying all of the cars / people
in the pictures and listing the people and cars that received awards. Any
feedback you can give me would be appreciated.

Another note ... My wife, daughter & I attended the recent Delorean meet in
Cleveland (along with the Candy and Ken Reese). Delorean built about 8,500
cars - 2914 Bricklins were constructed (yes, I know 'Bricklin Vehicle'
actually didn't built that many ..). The Delorean Club claims to have had
about 100 cars (didn't seem like that many to me, but I didn't count 'em)
and we had 32. Point is that - at least mathmatically - our turn-out is
similar to another club of similar nature but of larger size. Both numbers
work out to be just over 1%. I don't think we did all that bad when put in
this light!! Let shoot for an increasing percentage of cars in future years!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: Big XXV meet pictures & Western Region/California Bricklin

> Marvin,
> I'm not sure where you are located, but I'm in Southern California (L.A.
> area).  I was in Ypsilanti and enjoyed the meet.  I was also at Las Vegas
> last year and was terribly disappointed at the lack of participation.
> though there were @35 cars in Ypsilanti, Terry tells me there are over 200
> cars within a days driving distance of the Ypsilanti meet.  When put in
> context, Ypsilanti, though a fun event, suffered from the same apathy that
> we seem to be suffering from out here in the West.
> I'm sure there are many reasons why people aren't attending with their
> but if no one does anything to reverse this trend (poor attendance) the
> will die.  The California/Western Region is in serious trouble!  It is
> a slow, agonizing death!
> I want to change that!  I'm eagerly waiting for Terry to finish my car,
> had it for over a year now, and finally, it is nearing completion.  I want
> to enjoy my car with other is so much fun to see Bricklins
> together, share stories, swap tips, and otherwise enjoy each others
> I've been asked to assume the role of President of California Bricklin
> Owners (CBO) by the CBO Board of Directors.  I've accepted that invitation
> as well as taking on the role of Regional Director for BI here in
> California.  I will be meeting with the CBO Board in a couple of weeks to
> see what can be done about putting together a couple of events for this
> year, though there is not enough time to get a regional meet together for
> 2000.  With the help of other Bricklin enthusiasts (you don't have to be
> owner!), I want to see this part of the country become more active with
> club(s).
> Please give me a call or e-mail me so we can talk about the Western Region
> and what you as an owner would like to see in regular meetings and
> meets.
> *******************************************************************
> *******************************************************************
> For those that are reading this e-mail response to Marvin, I invite you to
> e-mail me or call me with your comments/suggestions about what you would
> like to see out of both clubs with regards to events in California, and
> Western Region as a whole.
> I can generally be reached in the evenings from 7-10PM (Pacific Time) on
> Monday through Friday and on the weekends.  I do travel for business
> regularly so I might not get back to you on the same day if you try to
> contact me.  I will however, respond to everyone that does try to reach
> I hope you'll take this opportunity to get in touch and share your
> thoughts...I look forward to hearing from everyone that is interested in
> cars, and wants to see them stay on the roads!
> Sincerely,
> Kevin Hand, #462
> 909-597-7414
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 9:43 PM
> Subject: Big XXV meet pictures
> > Just looked at the pictures from the Big XXV meet on the Midwest
> > Owners web site  Lots of great
> > pictures.  I especially like the one of the orange car with the blue
> > bumper.
> >
> > It's too bad we can't get 32 cars to a western meet (or even get a meet
> > together).  There were only 6 cars in Vegas last year (we had a great
> time)
> > and I believe only 8-10 in Monterey in 1998.  There is no event this
> > According to Terry T. there are over 200 Bricklins out West.   I realize
> that
> > driving distances are greater out west (and temperatures hotter), but
> Vegas
> > is only 4 hours from LA.  The bay area is only 6-7 hours from LA.  Of
> course
> > both are 2 days from Utah.
> >
> > Perhaps there might be something next year (it's probably too late for
> this
> > year).
> > Marvin
> > #1343 (on the road any day now???)

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