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The new guy

To: <>
Subject: The new guy
Date: Wed Jun 28 10:48:29 2000
Hello everyone.... I am a new member to the list... I have sort of inhertited a 
Brick from an uncle who past away a few years ago... he LOVE this car...He was 
a bit of an "eccentric". in his will he wanted to be burried in the car, inside 
a mountain... now THAT is didication! Needles to say, that did not happen.. I 
am 25, and remember being in this car when i was a kid...I went nuts over it, 
and it always stuck in my mind... Here is the catch with the car... It is a 75, 
GREEN...(is this the most desirable color??? people who know the car seem to 
flip when they hear it is green).... It has pretty low mileage i think.... What 
had happend was this... After a sort of "rough" night i think in about 76 or 
77, he was on his way home, and ran it into a guard rail, denting the oil pan, 
then somehow he got it home, and put it in the garage, which is where it stayed 
until about 6 years ago when he died and I got it out of there... we had 
thought it was ceases, but it turned out that the !
oil pan had just jammed the motor and wouldnt let it turn at all.. he NEVER had 
it fixed....BUT he did leave the window open, which was DIRECTLY next to a 
clothes dryer vent....Anyway, the car did have some substantial undercarriage 
damage. It has since been in a repair shop since those 6 yrs, and is actually 
leaving today, after the body work was finally done, and the car was repainted 
WITH bricklin paint.... It is now going to be sent to a family friends garage 
to be brought back up to "spec"..The doors where also switched over to the air  
last year sometime...I was curious if maybe someone from long island could talk 
to me about the car. Possiby give  me some help or suggestions.. I am not 
really sure if i have any questions right this second, but i will very soon. 
The web page is INCREDIBLE, and i am just sorry i didnt ttry to look it up 
about 4 yrs ago!! Anyway, sprry to bore everyone with this story.... But, i am 
very excited about the car, and it is great that so many o!
ther people have such enthusiasm about them too... Thanks for any help...

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