I thought that the wheels/lug not holes are not centered. Making them
almosy impossible to be balanced. I know on my car, the amount of lead
used, is unbelievable. I also have heard of them being repairable. If I
were in your position, I would find a new set of aftermarket wheels.
Edward Eberhardt wrote:
> Hi group,
> Does anybody remember the problem with the original mag wheels on
> the 74' Brick. I kind of remember that it caused steering wheel shake.
> If that is true, is there a way to fix that or should I go ahead and
> purchase new wheels. The reason I am asking is that my wheels have been
> bead blasted by the previous owner and would it be worth trying to get
> them re-polished. I have to be a little concerned about wheel shake
> because hopefully I will be driving in a touring class road course at
> speeds higher than 100 mph (with banked corners). Thank you for all the
> help.
> Ed Eberhardt
> #127