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powdery corrosion in air system

Subject: powdery corrosion in air system
From: Adam Lazur <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 16:19:06 -0400
I just pulled #532 out of sit-on-the-side-of-the-road-while-your-
owner-doesn't-have-a-drivers-license mode (it's a shame I couldn't
have garaged it for that time). Aside from more rust than I remember,
things are going okay.

My one main issue right now is the air door system has some white
powdery stuff in it that continually clogs the air valves and sticks
the doors open. I originally thought it was a bad air valve, but when
I took the valve apart I found the white stuff.

Is there a way to cleanse my air system of this white corrosion
looking stuff? Hopefully it won't involve getting a new air tank
welded to the bumper :(



[     Adam Lazur | Computer Engr Ugrad | Lehigh Univ. |   _ __      ]
[        icq 3354423 |    |__( | /_     ]
            "For every complex problem there is an answer
             that is simple, clear, and wrong."

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