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Fw: To wax or what?

To: "Bricklin" <>
Subject: Fw: To wax or what?
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 22:30:08 -0400
I have a cabinet full of waxes (always looking for
more shine with less effort), and Nu Finish paste was
my favorite, until I tried the Liquid Glass products
several years ago. To my eyes they're in a class by
themselves, especially on dark colors.

I'm also very pleased with Turtle Wax's Black Chrome
for black rubber/vinyl trim.

FWIW, in the May Consumers Report, Nu Finish ranked
right up there with more expensive cleaner/waxes, and
outperformed many of the Boutique brands, though
Liquid glass wasn't included.

----- Original Message -----

Anybody else want to suggest what
> is the best wax to use?

> George

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