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Blower Motor For A/C

Subject: Blower Motor For A/C
From: "Riley Marquis III" <>
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 16:42:36 PDT
I'm still trying to get 1758 road ready.
I had a question regarding the blower motor.  It is my understanding that 
I'm supposed to add a second blower to increase the air flow.  However, 
since I've got the A/C boxes out of the car, and my blower may be shot or on 
its last leg, I was hoping I could find an adequate replacement for it that 
would do everything, so I won't have to use 2 blower motors.  Also, John and 
another club member were discussing the wiring diagram (of John's design) 
that was supposed to fix the problem of all the current going through the 
blower motor switch.  I believe this was done by using a series of relays.  
With John's permission, I'd like to try this on my car.  I am aware that the 
diagram may still be prototypical (untested, or not tested as much as 
desired).  I'd be happy to tell the list members how things worked out in 
regards to this new circuit.  I'd also love to hear from those who have 
tried it (whether successful or not).  Thanks!
Riley F. Marquis III

P.S. John, I've noticed that on the events page of the BI web site, the 
western meet is either not listed, or listed with details TBA.  This has 
been since 1998 or so.  If there's any way I can help gather info on the 
western meet, I would love to help by emailing you with the details as soon 
as I get them.  From there, maybe they could be added to the Events page?  
By the way, how's you car doing?

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