Sounds great that you are trying to promote the car. Maybe if the XXV
event could get wide media coverage, It would help a great deal to finally make
more people aware and recongition for our Bricklins. Speed Vision would
definitly be a Big media coverage event.
You also listed good names for sponors (Summit, etc.), but could local
dealerships/ garages contribute to the door prices?
I am from PA. and I did not know my car could get a historical lic., is that
the same thing as an Antique plate?
Thanks for your time and effort,
Ed Eberhardt
Michael Mitchell wrote:
> Hi All!
> HELP!! I need some assistance. If you were going to notify / invite some
> magazine or TV show representatives to one of our meets, who would you
> invite? I'm looking for a list of shows that you watch, or magazines that
> you read or think might be interested in covering BIG XXV. Since this is the
> 25th year of the 'BIG' meets, (Bricklin Internation Gathering ... I had to
> look that one up!) I thought we'd attempt to get our names in the automobile
> magazines / shows.
> Also, if you were going to solicit businesses for donations for the meet
> 'goodie bags', raffle and auction, who would you ask? (ie Summit Racing,
> GoodRich, etc.) I need a list of those, too.
> One last one for now. In Ohio, my Brick is considered to be a historical
> vehicle, and can now run historical plates. Is anyone living in a state
> where this is not the case? Will you be purchasing historical plates for you
> car? Why or why not?
> Thanks for the help in advance!