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FW: Bricklin

To: "Bricklin List Server (E-mail)" <>
Subject: FW: Bricklin
From: Michael Mitchell <>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 12:47:15 -0500
David has just joined the e-mail list, and should start getting mail shortly
(I don't remember how long it takes ...), so he will be getting your
responses shortly. In the meantime, please direct a copy of your messages
directly to him. (I've been doing this for the moment.) I trust he will
announce himself in the list once he starts receiving messages so he doesn't
get inundated with e-mail! ;)

Is there someone in the Tempe, Arizona area that may be available to assist
David evaluating a car or two, or meet with him and show him what to watch
for on your car? I'm sure he would appreciate meeting anyone in the area
that shares his interest in the Bricklin. <<Michael steps up on soapbox ..>>
Certainly, this is what the Bricklin List, BI and our other organizations
are for - information sharing and camaraderie for those dedicated to the
preservation of the Bricklin. <<Michael falls off of soapbox>>

Thanks all! Hope to see you in Michigan this year (I'm gonna make it this
year, d*mmit!)

-----Original Message-----
From: David Ebel []
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2000 11:38 AM
To: 'Michael Mitchell'
Subject: RE: Bricklin

Thanks for the info!

        I found you from the BI homepage.  I have frequented that site quite
a bit - I've read almost everything I could find.  
I want the bricklin for every reason.  I love the way it looks, I like the
history, I would love to get into fixing it up,  
and I think it is a solid investment.

        I know little about cars - but I am a quick learner.  I know a lot
about electronics, and the only reason I don't know about engines
is because I have never had too.  My dad, and my other friends are into
cars, so there is a bounty of experience surrounding me.  I am taking
this as an opportunity to learn about cars through necessity :)

I am located in Tempe Arizona.  I found one bricklin here, and I drove it.
It was orange, and not quite in the condition I was looking for - and it
was 12,000.  I decided that if I was going to buy one, it would be the
perfect one for me.

thanks for your help.  what are some things I should look for if I go and
preview the Bricklin here again.  It had stress cracks on the hood near the
doors, and the headlight lifted when the compressor turned on...


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