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Re: car covers

To: "K M" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: car covers
From: steve brodsky <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 12:50:17 -0600
Although it is not a perfect fit, the cover for my 95 Corvette fits the Bricklin
quite nice.

Steve Brodsky #1509 Delorean #10688

K M wrote:

> >Isn't there an outfit called California Covers which makes a custom
> >cover just for the bricklin including "BRICKLIN" on the front?  I think
> >Terry mentioned it to me, but I couldn't find them on the net.
> >stephan
> I have experience with both companies. I called the first one that Serge
> posted -- about a month ago.  I got a new bike and wanted a cover for it.
> When I called, a lady answered, sounded like she was in her kitches, said
> something like, "Oh, that's Jim's area and he isn't here right now."  I gave
> her my number (after she asked) but Jim never returned the call.
> As to the Cal place -- you are correct -- it is very hard to find on the
> Net.  I bought a Brick cover from them about 18 months ago.  I told them how
> had they were to find, even though I knew there name.  I also told them
> about getting onto search engines -- apparently they didn't.  Anyway, the
> first cover fit fine. I ordered another for this winter and it was much too
> large, so large that I just returned it.  I got that one from Walmart, still
> have it in the box, and am still using the original one from the Cal place
> -- but it is on its last legs. Their site is
> It does not have the name of the car on it.  I think that these companies
> have only about 10 sizes, fit the cars into them and call them custom. Kim

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