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All AMC Day

Subject: All AMC Day
From: "Alan Coleman" <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 19:36:00 PDT
Is anyone planning on going (with their Bricklin) to the All AMC day 
Saturday (5/29) that is taking place in Cecil County MD???

Also, do we, (Bricklin International) have a club historian???? Searching 
around, I came across a bunch of photos from BIG I. They include shots of 
Malcolm, his then wife to be, his mom, other people who worked for the 
company, original board members, some factory people, and of course photos 
of all those Bricklins lined up.

If there is an interest, I would be willing to have dupes made and donate 
them to the club.  Just let me know.

I hope we can get a group together in MD this weekend!!!

Alan Coleman    #246

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