> I need to isolate the compressor and replace the seal because it is
> I have the service manual and can follow it. I am just asking whether
> there is anything special that I should be aware of and just what seal
> this use (and where is a vendor).
???? It's a York unit and seal kits should still be available either through
a Ford / Jeep dealer, or A/C supply house.
If it's a thorough manual such as Delco's 15D-1, then you should have all
the info you need.
It's been a bunch of years since I did one, but I don't recall any real
hassles, only that the clutch hub retaining wrench was rather pricey.
I am somewhat surprised that this
> compressor can be isolated without losing the freon charge. Anyone have
> experience on this?
Yes. All you lose is what's in the compressor, assuming it has stem type
service valves (mine does, I assume all Bricklin's do) and they seal
properly. Just be sure and follow the instructions to safely discharge it.
Of course, once the repair is complete, then a vacuum must be pulled on the
unit before opening the valves and adding a little refrigerant.
Oh, I am licensed to buy and use r-12 so that is not an
> issue.
And you are because..........?
Thanks, Kim.