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Body repair, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada...

Subject: Body repair, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada...
From: Chris Justus <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 11:57:50 -0400 (EDT)
Wouldn't you know it...  
I've had my Bricklin 2 weeks (today)... Long story short, I'm on the
highway, get cut off, and end up going into a cement barrier on the side
of the highway at about 20 mph... Right front bumper took most of the
impact... Top of bumper has a small dent, bottom part of bymper looks like
the corner has been sanded off... minor damage to the right panel just
behind the bumper...

Anyone on this list able to recommend a body shop in Ottawa?  Will I be
able to order a replacement bumber?  What sort of cost am I looking at for
the bumper... Suspect that the actual body part can be repaired...

Any recommendations / suggestions would be appreciated...

#2850, slightly damaged now... :(

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