>I just bought a book titled "Bricklin" by H A Fredericks and Allan
>Chambers. 137 pages, it is all about the car and production problems.
>Some great pictures as well. Anyone know about it?
No. Is it a recent book, or one written shortly after the shutdown?
>Re: Engine Cradle-I actually needed one of these for my 74. The actual
>crossmember is an AMC piece, but the engine mount brackets have been
>changed completely as the engine sits farther back on the Bricklin (which
>is why it has a different oil filter setup-it would hit the crossmember on
>a stock AMC part). The worst part of replacing it was the fact it was
>welded into the frame (at least on #323), not bolted in like AMCs.
Mine's welded in (1609).
I think his name was Tim Begley, and i think he passed
>away fairly young-late 20s? He made a notchback hatch assy, and was doing
>a different nose. He also had fiberglass door panels. Did he indeed pass
and if so, anyone know what happened to his molds/materials? Anyone
>see the notchback rear hatch?
I can't recall seeing a picture of any in the mag, or any reference to them,
but I don't have any of the early issues before '79.
>Thomas M. Benvie