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leak proofing

Subject: leak proofing
From: "Alan Coleman" <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 19:54:48 PST
John--- Thanks for the info on the article. I'll have to order that 
issue. I guess I missed a few good ones being out of the club for around 
seventeen years.

K.M. -- It was merely a suggestion-- I didn't realize that one had been 
done that recently. My car is one that has sat, more or less, for the 
last 17 years, being driven maybe 50 miles a year until 95. Then it was 
not even started for a year and a half as I lived 2,855 miles away from 
I've just started working on it and it will be a while until I get that 
far along, as it is now 50 miles away and I don't get a chance to work 
on it that often. I will document though,  and submit an article at that 

Presently I am working n the other kind of article you mentioned and 
hope to have it to John in time for the next issue.

Alan Coleman  # 246

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