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Re: Could someone describe the amp meter scheme?

To: K M <>
Subject: Re: Could someone describe the amp meter scheme?
From: Steve Bepko <>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 06:51:07 -0400 (EDT)
On Fri, 18 Sep 1998, K M wrote:

> I am a bit confused about the wiring of this device.  As I understand, 
> to detect the flow of current the meter is wired in line.  But this and 
> most all the devices that I have seen used in cars are not wired this 
> way -- it would be too hard to get the huge wire under the dash!  So I 
> kinda figure that there must be some induction device somewhere that 
> "sends" the reading to the gauge.  Am I way off base here?  Thanks, Kim.

The way it PROBABLY works is as a voltmeter. It has some relatively small
gauge wires and measures the voltage drop across a small (say 0.05 ohms or
less, could even be some length of wire) resistor wired in series with the
battery.  If the full scale range of the ammeter was, say, 5 volts, then
the corresponding full scale amperage read on the scale would be
(5/.05)=100 amps.  I emphasize that I have not measured any of these
values, just tossing out some typical numbers.

I am Pentium of Borg, precision is futile,
you will be approximated...

   _____                         .     .
   '    \\                  .                .                          |>>
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      \_\          .                               .         .          |
      | |      .                                      .    .    .       |
     /  |  .                   . .      .      |
    /  .|                       Baltimore, MD.           .        ....o |

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