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Humor Department

Subject: Humor Department
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 23:44:10 EDT
Hey All,

Here's six quick and easy ways to make money for restoring your Bricklin

1: stand at the entrance of a local supermarket and ask for donations to
bricklin restoration fund (They may think its an important landmark or

2: go door to door asking for donations to the unknown soldier's widow.

3:  start a campaign titled, "double your I.Q. or no money back!" 

4:  try becoming malcolm's best friend (fat chance)

5:  charge people $1 for each time they ask you to show them the doors on your
car, and $5 for an overview of the safety features.  If they call it a kit car
you can charge them $20.

6:  bet all your friends $5 they can't tell you who was vice president under
Malcolm Bricklin. 

Also, here's a brief summary of responses I've received on behalf of my

"That is a bad car!"  (bad meaning awesome)
"da*n! Nice car!  (on the drive home after paying off the balance due on the
"what's up b*tch! "  (from the jealous wannabe gang-banger)
"congratulations! You own one of the few."  (imagine that-he knows about
then there's the ever popular stare at the stoplight and the thumbs up i
receive almost all the time

Riley Marquis III
VIN 1758

BTW, my car has air coming in from the engine compartment on the extreme
driver's side.  the air does not flow from the dash toward the
flows from the dash down toward the floor of the car.  Anybody have an idea as
to whats going on?

How easy is it to change the spark plus on a Brick?

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