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Re: Bricklin Floorboard/floorpan

To: "Olson, Scott" <>,
Subject: Re: Bricklin Floorboard/floorpan
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 21:26:29 -0400

>would anyone have any reccomendations on type / retail location  of
>paint or sealer to use on the floorboards.  I have all the carpet
>and I am ready to begin the rebuilding process.
It's fiberglass. If you feel the need, then epoxy resin or Fiberfill
it. If you want a particular color, then any epoxy paint will do,
even the spray can variety.
>I talked to a guy here in chicago that does business with my
>He said that he shouldn't have a problem making new rockplates/heat
>shield for the bottom of the car.  It leads to a couple questions.
>1) what type of material would be best
> a) stainless
> b) aluminum
>2)  what guage (the thinner,  the easier to manufacture)
The fronts are made from .125" FMS with stiffening ridges. This or
10ga SS. The rear plates are 14ga CRS or you could use 14 or 16ga


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