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#23 Has a new home

Subject: #23 Has a new home
From: Jim Isbell <>
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 10:58:38 -0500
Thanks to all of you who expressed an interest in "Old #23".  The first
person to see it bought it and its on its way to Baltimore MD.

I had mixed feelings as I saw it sitting there on the trailer going out of
the driveway, but I realy wanted that Mark II.  I have wanted one since I
was 20 years old and, believe me, thats a long time.

I am sure you will be hearing all about it from the new owner soon.  Jamie
Olenick seemed quite happy with the car and should soon be telling you all
about it.
                                    Cheers,  Jim

"Better an outlaw than not free."  Nance Oneil

Low Tech Web page
 (need only web access, no pictures to download)
Medium Tech Web page
 (Need at least VGA and 28K modem or else its very slow)
High Tech Web Page
 (Should have fast modem, fast computer,SVGA, sound capability...etc.)

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