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power steering pump

Subject: power steering pump
From: jeff wynn <>
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 17:26:43 -0400
I just became the proud owner of #2157...
I need to replace the power steering pump.  I removed the A/C compressor
bracket bolts, hoping to set it aside ( with hoses intact ) to gain 
access.  The one remaining bolt is kicking my butt, so I am working on 
removing the radiator for better access, it needs flushed and checked 
out anyway.  Anyone out there ever wrestle with this?  with what?
I do have the cross-ref list from BI which gives several choices.
         Also, since I am replacing the door system vacume pump and 
regulator with new units, I thought I might replace the air lines 
with new, are they fastened internally at all or will attaching new to 
the old and fishing them line by line work?
         Thanks for your time- Soon to be cruising the backroads
of Lancaster Co, PA                 Jeff Wynn

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