Calling all artists.
I've blowen it. I know several of you on the mailing list have said that
you were graphic artists, or artists and I've lost the list of names.
Anyway, all you starving / frustrated artists, I'm looking for front and
rear cover material for the magazine. Such a deal I've got for you.
No food, no pay!!!! If you have some ideas that you can either turn
into computer art or a good color drawing that would make suitable cover
material, please let me know and or send it to me. If you have any
interesting color drawings, I can have them scanned, no problem. Or
if you can produce some good computer art with the Bricklin theme I
can use that also.
The cover of the April issue is an excellant example of the kind of
computer work that can be done. Viv did an excellant job. And I'd
like to thank him for his efforts.
I also don't want to load anyone person up with doing all the covers.
Also frustrated cartoonists. I can use any drawings (black and white
sketches or color) for spots in the magazine.
So come on gang. Here's you chance to let others see the kind of work
you can do. I know I sure can't do it.
John T. Blair WA4OHZ email:
Va. Beach, Va Phone: (757) 495-8229
48 TR1800 65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
71 Saab Sonett III 75 Bricklin SV1 77 Spitfire