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RE: how fast am i going???

To: "'JAY COOLE'" <>
Subject: RE: how fast am i going???
From: "Olson, Scott" <>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 16:05:08 -0500

I was looking into replacing guages (as well as the dash) a month or so
ago.  There is a VDO guage reseller in North Hollywood called

Pacific Parts and Instruments, Inc.
6111 Lankershim Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91606
(818) 761-5139

They have a catalog with a wide selection of VDO guages from
Illuminated, to luminescent white  etc. etc.
It looks like a complete kit (with new senders)
Oil Pressure
Oil Temp
Water TEmp

runs about 600 buccks in an impressive illuminated white with black
lettering and bezel.
They also have a division named North Hollywood Speedometer & Clock Co.
(same phone number) who repairs guages etc.  They are capable of
replacing the face of your current guages with white faces.  I have two
complaints with the Bricklin guages.  One  the color combination screams
leisure suit, and I don't like how the guages are inset and angled.  If
you like the angle and want to keep the Bricklin look, I would recommend
having the guages repaired and replaced with new faces.   Otherwise go
with the whole new set (and let me know how it goes)   Unfortunately
there are other more crucial problems that need to be fixed beofre I
start replacing guages.

Along the same line there is a company called

Specialty Power Windows
(800) 634-9801 (order line)
(912) 994-9248 (technical service)

Theyt are located out of Forsyth, GA
I talked to them and they seem fully capable of a specialty installation
of power windows.  I have noticed a few threads about installing
something to this effect.  If anyone calls them, or has something
installed let me know.  They specialize in Old american cars like Model
T's and roadsters and stuff.  Seems like our best bet.

-Scott Olson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: JAY COOLE []
> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 1998 1:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: how fast am i going???
> i was wondering if anyone out there has a speedo available for a '75. 
> mine broke although the odometer still works. it wasn't all that 
> accurate anyway but it would be nice to have one that worked. also i 
> thought about changing all the guages to the white faced vdo or 
> autometer guages?? any input on that would be apperciated.

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