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Re: Market Value

To: <>
Subject: Re: Market Value
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:47:48 -0500

>An original,clean car is almost always a more valuable car as time goes on
>than one that has been modified "permanently".
I agree. Right off I can't think of any exceptions.
 There are always exceptions to
>statements like this but unless the mods are reversible or, in my opinion,
>improvements like air doors and air conditioning upgrades that make the car
>more drivable, original is more desirable to a collector.
Serious $$$ collectors abhor any mods. The goal is authenticity. A good
example of 'improvements' lowering potential value are some of the cars used
for vintage racing. An original McLaren Mk12A with a lineage is worth 5
times more than a similar 'upgraded' vintage racer. Over restoring has
become the latest issue to affect auction $$$ and I agree. This has been a
pet peeve of mine for decades. I've seen many of the most collectable racers
when they were in their prime. They share only a passing resemblance to the
"car as art sculptures" on the auction block.



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