I see your point about the battery cut out and I agree about the fuel
cell. Plan X for my #678 includes swapping in a fuel cell and adding a
fire supression system. Given the potential problems of getting out
quickly it is something I would feel much better having.
Once your down to the bare frame, installing a metal partition between
the cell and the driver's compartment shouldn't be too difficult and
could be used to add more torsional rigidity to the frame.
Once anyone gets exemptions or clearances from a racing sanctioning
body, they should notify the group, especially John Blair. That
information would be very useful to those of us who might want to race
the car. In fact a racing sub group might form similar to the vintage
AMC racing group on the net.
Right now, I don't know too much about the possible racing classes or
events that are available for Bricklin's, but rallying appeals to me
George Schiro
Jim Isbell wrote:
> The battery cut off is
> however a bone of contention since this will kill the door opening
> mechanisum and I want to be able to get out fast without some knuckle head
> shutting off the doors with the external switch. I think I have permission
> to wire the doors around the switch so that they will always operate even
> with the emergency cut off switched off to prevent fires.
> Another problem that has not yet been satisfactorily been answered (to my
> satisfaction anyway) is whether you need a fuel cell since there is not a
> metal firewall between the driver and the fuel tank. I think for safety
> sake you should have a fuel cell even if the racing body allows you to race
> without one and they may still require the metal fire wall even with the
> fuel cell. My Formula Ford has both and is required to have both.
> Jim I. ,