All that time, money and effort just to get a Migraine. Bummer. I assume from
your comments that no one is interested in making the web site a (reduced)
membership fee type as I had suggested.
From: on behalf of John T. Blair
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 1997 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: Program
Yes the Meet was 2 weekends ago. I had a very good time and got a shot in
the arm to get back to work on my car. However, since I've gotten back,
I've been very busy trying to get things set up to do the magazine. The
only bad part about the meet was I got a migrane headach and was pretty
sick Sat night (had to leave the dinner after only 2 bites).
First off, I was supprised at the number of people that knew (of) me.
Don't know how. What's the old saying about "your reputation preceeds
you"?. I think that I was also one of only a couple of new faces there.
Friday night there was mention about the board meeting was going to be a
blood bath. But somehow, by the time the board meeting conviened it
almost didn't even come up.
The bottom line is that the Club IS behind the Web page 100%. All the
comments I got from almost everyone I talked to was quite positive. Since
the meeting, I've been on the phone with a lot of people trying to tie
up some loose ends. They too are very supportive of the Web page and
what we are trying to do.
It looks like many of the members are really trying to turn the Club
around. One other item we got through, is there WILL be a roster. Those
wanting to be on it will have to indicate so, and the roster will
only be disceminated to those that are on it.
Hopefully, there WILL be some changes for the better and the entire board
truely seems dedicated to making things work!! Hopefully, the club can
and will be a little more responsive to the members needs in the future.
I personally think that the Web page and the mailing list will be a big
help in that arena. The Web page will sort be like "Shareware". We will
be putting new info up as time allows. But the thing for the readers
to remember is unfortunately, it takes money to run the club. If they
are getting anything from the Web page and mailing list, it would be
nice for them to show their support by joing the club. There will NOT
be any arm twisting though.
I personally think that the people that really use the mailing list and
the Web page WILL join the club, even if they can't make it to the various
events, to SHOW their support. Maybe I'm naive, but I doubt it.
John T. Blair WA4OHZ email:
Va. Beach, Va Phone: (757) 495-8229
48 TR1800 48 #4 Midget 65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
75 Bricklin SV1 77 Spitfire