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RE: My Adventure With PAW And Milodon

Subject: RE: My Adventure With PAW And Milodon
From: "S.G.Schiro" <>
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 1997 10:50:27 -0500
This kind of crap happens all the time.  My suggestion is to try the
proper channels first and document the results ( date, time,names of
the  persons involved, results).  Then write a nice letter ( don't loose
you cool, be professional but firm) to the president of the company. 
Describe the problem, document what you have done and the results and
ask him/her to look into it for you.  Nine times out of ten you will get
prompt results.  To find the name and address of the president or CEO
first try calling the company's general number.  If they say they can't
give it to you they are liars.  Next try the Department of Commerce. 
They have a consumers handbook that lists the chief exectiuves of most
US companies along with important information on consumers rights.  Just
give then a call and they will send it to you free.

George Schiro

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