The Brickline back issues are an absolute "Must Have". They are invaluable
source of information. I bought a set of all available two years ago and
read them cover to cover. Admittedly, there is some inaccurate information
here and there, so it is best to consider who the author is and double check
before you commit to anything. For example, there was one article that
talked about waterproofing and recommended sealing up the roof of the car.
If you did this, you would end up driving around with several gallons of
water sloshing around overhead. For the most part though, they are
excellent. I'm trying to find a source for a few issues that were out of
print and are missing from my set, even xerox copies are better than nothing.
Maybe the club can make some copies and sell them? By the way, anyone who
hasn't should join the owners club--they just reduced the dues.
-George Curley