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Sound Deadening

Subject: Sound Deadening
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 13:19:24 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-04-10 05:48:28 EDT, you write:

<< on sound deadening i am thinking of putting something on the
 underneath of the body >>

Under the carpet rather than under the body is the way to go. I used
insulation which is similar to the bubble wrap often used as packing material
except that it is mylar covered. That cut heat transfer quite well, but had
little effect on noise.

I have heard good reports on the insulation that JC Whitney sells,  but it is
thick so you may find it a bit difficult to work with. Be sure to glue it in
place or it will move around. 3M aerosol carpet adhesive works well.

Check to be sure your doors seal well. Much of the noise you hear may be wind
noise and insulation isn't going to help with that.


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