Hey gang,
Has anyone tried to make a wiring diag. of the Bricks. I'm
slowly working on one, but if someone has already done it, can
I get a copy?
In addition, I need the vaccumn diag. for the heater. There is
a vaccumn switch on the back on the heater box. On sided goes
to a vaccumn source, the other end goes to the hot water control
valve. Also, is the water valve opened or closed by the vaccumn?
John T. Blair WA4OHZ email: jblair@exis.net
Va. Beach, Va Phone: (757) 495-8229
48 TR1800 48 #4 Midget 65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
75 Bricklin SV1 77 Spitfire
The one with the most toys, wins!