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[Bmcu] Help.

Subject: [Bmcu] Help.
From: "Robert Marksman" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 17:29:41 +0100
This is a multi-part message in MIME format


This is a multi-part message in MIME format

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 - This mail is in HTML. Some elements may be ommited in plain text. -

Good Morning,
I need your urgent help..My family and i made a trip to out of the cou=
ntry due to an emergency unfortunately for us, we were robbed and i wa=
s hurt on our way back to the hotel. I need your help financially to s=
ort out some bills here and get back home. I will refund you the money=
 once i get back home.
Let me know if i can count on you.
Thanks, Bob

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<P>Good Morning,<BR>I need your urgent help..My family and i made a tr=
ip to out of the country due to an emergency unfortunately for us, we =
were robbed and i was hurt on our way back to the hotel. I need your h=
elp financially to sort out some bills here and get back home. I will =
refund you the money once i get back home.</P>
<P>Let me know if i can count on you.</P>
<P>Thanks, Bob</P></BODY></HTML>


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