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[Bmcu] Michael's things

To: "BMCU" <>
Subject: [Bmcu] Michael's things
From: "Eugene Jaroch" <>
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 15:22:55 -0600
BMCU members,

Mary just called and we chatted about Michael's cars and tools.  All are for
sale, the TR6 I'm not so sure but the MINI Cooper is, as are the TR3 in
restoration mode, an MG Midget (or Sprite, I can't remember) in boxes, an
engine hoist and trannie jack.  Carrie and Spencer Scoggins are available for
more details

Carrie Scoggins     328.8341
                cell     652.6904
Spencer Scoggins  230.6715


Paul Jaroch
Bmcu mailing list

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