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Re: [Bmcu] reminder: RSVP by tomorrow for 3/15 event

To: "Gary Lindstrom" <>
Subject: Re: [Bmcu] reminder: RSVP by tomorrow for 3/15 event
From: "Alan Ireland" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 06:55:04 -0700
See you here...

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 6:26 AM, Gary Lindstrom <> wrote:
> St. Patty's Day Lunch and Dust Off Run
>  March 15, 2008
>  Saint Patrick's Day is the club's traditional opening of the driving
>  season, and 2008 will honour this tradition. We'll start with lunch at
>  Acme Burger (275 S. 200 W., 801-257-5700), BMCU member Alan Ireland's
>  fine new establishment in downtown Salt Lake City, starting at 11:30am.
>  Thereafter, weather permitting, we'll do a Dust Off Run to a location
>  known only to the organizers. Who knows, we may even stop for a farewell
>  toddy after the tour and the associated road side repairs, this being
>  the first run for our Britmobiles after a long winter's nap.
>  Some logistics:
>     1. There is alas no free parking at Acme Burger, but there is a
>  reasonable pay lot just north of it, and the usual SLC first come first
>  served street parking in the vicinity.
>     2. Alan plans to reserve tables for the group if at all possible,
>  but he'll need plenty of advance notice. Consequently, please RSVP to us
>  by email to or by phone to 801-486-0547
>  by Friday March 7.
>  Should be a great event!
>  -- Pugs and Diane Pivirotto
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