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Armed Forces Day @ Murray Park

To: <>
Subject: Armed Forces Day @ Murray Park
From: "Gary Lindstrom" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 07:18:18 -0600
Greetings from the Gulf!

Last year we had a pretty good turn out for the Murray Armed Forces day
(Support the Troops) event/cause. Unfortunately I will not be able to
attend do to geographical conflicts. I would like to give my support to
this event and ask everyone to attend in my stead. I can't tell you how
much it means to a service member to get support from fellow Americans.
I really helps make it worth while when you are walking through the
airport and total strangers come to you and say "Thanks!" or ask if they
can give you a hug! As far as my tour here, everything has been going
well. It has only gotten up to around 105 degrees so far, but I'm told
it will be getting hot soon! I now hope to be home before the British
Field day with fingers crossed.

Take care and God Bless!

MSgt Mitch D. Johnson

BMCU Governor General (Deployed)

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