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St. Patrick's Day Parade this Saturday

To: BMCU Members <>
Subject: St. Patrick's Day Parade this Saturday
From: Gary Lindstrom <>
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 15:44:28 -0700
BMCU To Awaken At St. Patty's Day Parade

By tradition, the first driving event of each year is the annual St. 
Patrick's Day parade in downtown Salt Lake City.  The tradition will be 
renewed this year on Saturday March 12, which the Farmer's Almanac 
declares will be a blue bird day.

The parade theme this year is Finnegan's Awake, which fits nicely the 
role this parade serves to awaken our Britmobiles from their winter 
slumber.  The parade route will be the same as last year, through 
Gateway Center. "All Units will assemble in the area of the intersection 
of 400 West and 200 North, march [roll] with great precision down 400 
West and proceed down through the middle of the Gateway, a route of 
approximately 6 - 7 blocks."

The event organizers (the Utah Hibernians) will hold a post-parade 
Siamsa or gala at the north end of Gateway Center.  Our own tradition is 
to gather for lunch at Granato's Italian deli at 1391 S. 300 West, where 
delicious food and ample parking are available.

Another tradition started last year is a charge of $10 per car for car 
clubs.  So, if you join us, please bring a ten-er (not a tenor, although 
there will no doubt also some of those on hand) for the Hibernians.

Last year we had a great turn out of about 20 cars -- let's try to top 
that this year.  The information received thus far does not give a 
rendezvous time, but 9am is a safe bet, from past experience.

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