-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
Message text written by Anthony Tabacco
I guess I'm just dumb but I cannot find the full field results page on
the national site.
-------------------- End Original Message --------------------
That's two questions, Tony. Which one do you want answered first? <G>
As I understand your second question, those results are available
ONLY to people with the very latest browsers. We also have to like you.
It's the SCCA way. Alas.
When Pat inquired of the National office she was told to go to her local
library.to down load the latest information.
The nit wit in charge of all this has his own operation methods.
We happen to have an almost-complete set of results from another source.
SF Region achieved two Nationsl Solo titles as near as I can twll. Off the
top of my noggin, I can't remember who they are. Pat is out running an
errand right now but she will be back shortly. Hang on.
Do you have any specific name(s) in mind?
--John Kelly .